Queensland Pinto Horse
Association Inc
Registering pinto horses and ponies.

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Pinto Breeders
These are studs that are breeders of pinto horses that are members of the QPHA Inc.
If you would like your pinto stud advertised on here, all you have to do is email us at qldpintos@gmail.com with the following information:
Stud name:
Slogan (if applicable):
Brief Description:
Contact name:
also include a picture or logo to be put with the advertisement.
Other Studs in Australia that are members of a different Pinto Association can also advertise for $25 for 12 months.

Caboonbah Stud

Clydesdale cross & Gypsy Cob cross pleasure & performance horses
Breeding horses that have great temperament, good conformation are versatile and in a variety of colours, sizes and types.
Contact: Katy Driver, SE Qld
Phone: 0419 231 353
Email: caboonbahstud@gmail.com

Dashing Rivers Gypsy Cobs

Home to the amazing SD Jackpot (Imp) and GB Atlantis.
Travelling with Webers Circus
Come see our stunning boys in the flesh!!!
Contact name: Wonita Weber-Matousek
Location: Currently - Sydney, NSW
Phone: 0431 469 208
Email: dashingrivers@yahoo.com.au

Kiakai Park

Breeding Pintos & Quarter Horse Derivatives.
We specialize in dilute and double dilute coloured horses. Our aim is to breed a versatile horse with a good mind, attitude, conformation and colour, without the huge price tag.
Contact: Melissa Burns
Mackay, Qld
Phone: (07) 4958 5227
Website: http://kiakaipark.webs.com/

Kiakai Park

Beautiful temperaments, beautiful horses.
Pegasus Stud is a boutique stud breeding fantastic riding horses with great temperament and bone and colour! We have bred crosses with Friesians, Walers, Welsh Cobs, Cyldesdale crosses and TB.
Our stud stallion is Merlin The Magician, registered Friesian Warmblood. Standing at Stud this season in 2016/17
Contact name: Katrina Kruse
Location: 30 minutes south Brisbane

Starwood Arabian & Pinto Stud (Est 1972)

Pure Pleasure.
Pure Performance.
Visit our website for photos & info.
(Pictured - Starwood Apache Warrior in 1971)